Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts

The Expressive Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE) in the Curriculum for Wales comprises of art, dance, drama, film and digital media and music.

AoLE Aims and Objectives

Engaging with the expressive arts helps Oystermouth’s learners to gain an understanding and an appreciation of cultures and societies in Wales and the world. We encourage learners to develop their ability to appreciate the creative work of other people, and their own creative talents, artistic skills and performance skills.

AoLE Age-Appropriate Learning Outcomes

Please use the link below to learn about the expected learning outcomes at Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3:

AoLE Content

The main topics or units of study varies greatly depending on the focus topics within each class, and the children’s ideas in EPIC planning sessions.

AoLE Assessment and Feedback

  • Teacher assessment: Written and verbal feedback, listening to learners, book looks.
  • Self and peer assessment: Reflection time, class art galleries, viewing filmed performances.
  • More formal musical assessments and examinations through the peripatetic teachers.

AoLE Enrichment Activities

  • School music and drama based events: Eisteddfod, assemblies such as Harvest festival, Christmas concerts, Summer performances.
  • Lessons with peripatetic music teachers: Mrs Bott – Strings, Mr Downing – Brass
  • School orchestra
  • PBuzz sessions in Pobbles Class
  • Bandalong sessions in Three Cliffs
  • Extracurricular clubs: Recorder club, Choir
  • Visitors to school: Nigel Mason – Welsh folk dancing, Gig Cymraeg, Ffa La La Gig, parents e.g. Rachel Best, Louise James – art workshops, Rebecca Matthews (Bishop Gore) drama sessions during transition work, dance and drama students from Gower College.
  • Educational visits – Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Theatr Na Nog, visits to Bishop Gore and Ffynnone Schools to see their performances, Gower College performances.
  • Participating in local events – Primary Partners choir event at the Grand Theatre, Cynefin at the Castle event, Pawb i Ganu event, musical events in local venues such as churches.
  • Competitions – Rotary photography calendar, various national competitions with art-based entries, school Eisteddfod art competitions

Parent/Carer Involvement

  • Instrumental practise for those having lessons.
  • Encourage children to express themselves creatively.
  • Explore different media and craft techniques.
  • Use technology for creative purposes.
  • Participate in out of school clubs which foster drama, singing and artistic abilities.