Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities at Oystermouth Primary School

Oystermouth Primary School offers a great mix of clubs and activities for pupils to enjoy after school and during lunchtimes.

These fun options include everything from sports and music to Lego and art. Most of these clubs are run by our own dedicated staff and are free of charge. Joining a club or team is a chance for children to try new things, make friends, and learn outside of the classroom.

Take a look at the information below to see what’s happening this term and how to book your child onto the activities.

Lunchtime Clubs - Spring Term 2025

After School Activities - Spring Term 2025

**These are classes operated on site by a third party provider and you will need to book and pay fees. Please see contact information below for these activities.

How to Sign Up

For the lunchtime clubs, your child can make their interest known to the supervising member of staff and just join in! Children participating in lunchtime clubs can still have a school meal, the clubs are generally finished by 12:30pm and children can then eat their lunch and join in lunchtime play.

For the school provided after school activities, there is usually an online consent form shared with eligible class parents, these will be texted or emailed out at the start of terms. 

Here are the contact details for the third party activities:

Gymnastic Studios: gymnasticstudios@hotmail.co.uk www.gymnasticstudios.co.uk

Mini Media Art Club: info@mini-mediacreatives.com www.mini-mediacreatives.com

Ukulele Lessons: DawsonE17@hwbcymru.net

If you have any questions relating to lunchtime clubs or school provided after school activities, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant member of staff (contact below) or if you are not sure who to direct your query to, please contact the office.